Friday, December 28, 2007

Infertility : Undestanding the Terms

Infertility is a condition of the reproductive system that impairs the conception of children. It affects approximately 6.1 million individuals throughout the United States. The diagnosis of infertility is usually given to couples who have been attempting to conceive for at least 1 year without success.

Conception and pregnancy are complicated processes that depend upon many factors:
1) the production of healthy sperm by the man;
2) healthy eggs produced by the woman;
3) unblocked fallopian tubes that allow the sperm to reach the egg;
4) the sperm's ability to fertilize the egg when they meet;
5) the ability of the fertilized egg (embryo) to become implanted in the woman's uterus; and
6) sufficient embryo quality.

Finally, for the pregnancy to continue to full term, the embryo must be healthy and the woman's hormonal environment adequate for its development. When just one of these factors is impaired, infertility can result.
Is infertility a woman’s problem?

It is a common assumption that infertility is related to the woman, when in reality only one-third of infertility cases are related to the woman alone. One-third of infertility problems are related to men and the remaining one-third is made up of a combination of fertility factors between the couple or unknown causes. Unknown causes account for approximately twenty percent of infertility cases. So, this  the matter for both of you as a couples, not only for the women. Why should i stressed it out ? because in Indonesia, it's so easy to blame on the women, 
before taking appropriate examination from both of them.

What causes infertility in men?

The most common male infertility factors include azoospermia (no sperm cells are produced) and oligospermia (few sperm cells are produced). Sometimes, sperm cells are malformed or they die before they can reach the egg. In rare cases, infertility in men is caused by a genetic disease such as cystic fibrosis or a chromosomal abnormality. Now, the lifestyle has come to be one of the frequent cause of bad sperms quality. For men, you should consider your sperm health when you went to sauna, spa, jacuzzi, 
or even sitting for a long time at your work.

What causes infertility in women?

The most common female infertility factor is an ovulation disorder. Other causes of female infertility include blocked fallopian tubes, which can occur when a woman has had pelvic inflammatory disease or endometriosis. Congenital anomalies (birth defects) involving the structure of the uterus and uterine fibroids are associated with repeated miscarriages. Aging is also an important factor in female infertility. The ability for ovaries to produce eggs declines with age, especially after age 35.

So, whenever you marriage has past one year without any sign to concieve, you can start to consult to your doctor, otherwise, you can wait untill one year passed away.

Source : American Pregnancy Association

Miscarriage : Causes and Signs

Miscarriage is the term used for a pregnancy that ends on it's own, within the first 20 weeks of gestation. It also known as Spontaneous Abortion.

Miscarriage is the most common type of pregnancy loss, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). Studies reveal that anywhere from 10-25% of all clinically recognized pregnancies will end in miscarriage. This occurs when a pregnancy is lost shortly after implantation, resulting in bleeding that occurs around the time of her expected period.

Most miscarriages occur during the first 13 weeks of pregnancy. Pregnancy can be such an exciting time, but with the great number of recognized miscarriages that occur, it is beneficial to be informed about miscarriage, in the unfortunate event that you find yourself or someone you know faced with one.

If you experience any or all of these symptoms, it is important to contact your doctor or a medical facility to evaluate if you could be having a miscarriage:
  • Mild to severe back pain (often worse than normal menstrual cramps)
  • Weight loss
  • White-pink mucus
  • True contractions (very painful happening every 5-20 minutes)
  • Brown or bright red bleeding with or without cramps (20-30% of all pregnancies can experience some bleeding in early pregnancy, with about 50% of those resulting in normal pregnancies)
  • Tissue with clot like material passing from the vagina
  • Sudden decrease in signs of pregnancy
Especially for the first pregnancy, it is important to get notice on these sign, but don't act paranoid since it can be bad for your daily activity.

The reason for miscarriage is varied, and most often the cause cannot be identified. During the first trimester, the most common cause of miscarriage is chromosomal abnormality - meaning that something is not correct with the baby's chromosomes. Most chromosomal abnormalities are the cause of a faulty egg or sperm cell, or are due to a problem at the time that the zygote went through the division process. Other causes for miscarriage include (but are not limited to):
  • Hormonal problems, infections or maternal health problems
  • Lifestyle (i.e. smoking, drug use, malnutrition, excessive caffeine and exposure to radiation or toxic substances)
  • Implantation of the egg into the uterine lining does not occur properly
  • Maternal age
  • Maternal trauma

Factors that are not proven to cause miscarriage are sex, working outside the home (unless in a harmful environment) or moderate exercise.

What are the chances for having a miscarriage ?

For women in childbearing years, the chances of having a miscarriage can range from 10-25%, and in most healthy women the average is about a 15-20% chance.
  • An increase in maternal age affects the chances of miscarriage
  • Women under the age of 35 yrs old have about a 15% chance of miscarriage
  • Women who are 35-45 yrs old have a 20-35% chance of miscarriage
  • Women over the age of 45 can have up to a 50% chance of miscarriage
  • A woman who has had a previous miscarriage has a 25% chance of having another (only a slightly elevated risk than for someone who has not had a previous miscarriage)
But there is no reason to think about abortion when you just got good news on your pregnancy, so just enjoy and live a healthy living for the next 9 months of beautifull moments of your life.

Types Of Miscarriage You Should Know

Every pregnant women always affraid with this word "miscarriage", and yes, it must be affraid of and we should try to know a little about the types. These are the different types although we still called it Miscarriage.

Miscarriage is often a process and not a single event. There are many different stages or types of miscarriage. There is also a lot of information to learn about healthy fetal development so that you might get a better idea of what is going on with your pregnancy. Understanding early fetal development and first trimester development can help you to know what things your health care provider is looking for when there is a possible miscarriage occurring.

Most of the time all types of miscarriage are just called miscarriage, but you may hear your health care provider refer to other terms or names of miscarriage such as:

Threatened Miscarriage: Some degree of early pregnancy uterine bleeding accompanied by cramping or lower backache. The cervix remains closed. This bleeding is often the result of implantation.

Inevitable or Incomplete Miscarriage: Abdominal or back pain accompanied by bleeding with an open cervix. Miscarriage is inevitable when there is a dilation or effacement of the cervix and/or there is rupture of the membranes. Bleeding and cramps may persist if the miscarriage is not complete.

Complete Miscarriage: A completed miscarriage is when the embryo or products of conception have emptied out of the uterus. Bleeding should subside quickly, as should any pain or cramping. A completed miscarriage can be confirmed by an ultrasound or by having a surgical curettage performed.

Missed Miscarriage: Women can experience a miscarriage without knowing it. A missed miscarriage is when embryonic death has occurred but there is not any expulsion of the uterus. It is not known why this occurs. Signs of this would be a loss of pregnancy symptoms and the absence of fetal heart tones found on an ultrasound.

Recurrent Miscarriage (RM): Defined as 3 or more consecutive first trimester miscarriages. This can affect 1% of couples trying to conceive.

And for the others three below is not exactly a miscarriage, but will be causing the miscarriage sooner or later, and the event is quite high, so we should put it on the list :

Blighted Ovum: Also called an anembryonic pregnancy. A fertilized egg implants into the uterine wall, but fetal development never begins. Often there is a gestational sac with or without a yolk sac, but there is an absence of fetal growth.

Ectopic Pregnancy: A fertilized egg implants itself in places other than the uterus, most commonly the fallopian tube. Treatment is needed immediately to stop the development of the implanted egg. If not treated rapidly, this could end in serious maternal complications.

Molar Pregnancy: The result of a genetic error during the fertilization process that leads to growth of abnormal tissue within the uterus. Molar pregnancies rarely involve a developing embryo, but often entail the most common symptoms of pregnancy including a missed period, positive pregnancy test and severe nausea.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Get Insurance Letter for Planning Pregnancy

As i written before on how to choose or buying an insurance, health insurance is on of the most important thing we should consider, due to a high expenses on hospital bills nowdays, not excluded in Indonesia also.

If you're a new or expectant mother, good health insurance coverage is now more important than ever. You'll depend on your health insurance for everything from prenatal and maternity care for you to pediatric visits and immunizations for your baby.

To avoid surprise medical bills during this wonderful time, it's important to learn the terms of your health insurance coverage right now. You'll also need to take steps to maintain your health insurance coverage if you lose or quit your job.

Before you set up your first obstetrician (or midwife) appointment, it's smart to figure out what your health insurance will (and won't) cover. In Indonesia, it is almost a certainty that midwife would not be covered as the industry is still find their firm position, and not much of midwifes has professional partnership with insurance companies. Get the answers to the following questions from your company's benefits department or through your health insurance plan's customer service hotline:

• Does the plan cover prenatal and maternity care? If you work for an employer with 15 or more employees, a federal law requires that your plan cover your pregnancy-related medical bills.

• Will you need preauthorization for any of your prenatal or maternity care?

• Must you contact the health insurance company when you're admitted to the hospital for labor and delivery? Some health plans will penalize you financially if you don't call shortly after your admission.

• What are the plan's rules regarding in-network and out-of-network healthcare providers? What about hospitals? If the plan provides greater coverage for in-network providers and hospitals, ask for a directory of ones in your area.

• Will you need a referral from your primary care doctor to see an obstetrician? Although most plans don't require this, they might require a referral for a specialist in the event of complications.

• What coverage does the plan provide for prenatal tests such as ultrasounds and amniocentesis procedures?

• How long of a hospital stay will the plan cover after delivery? Will the plan cover an extended stay if medically necessary?

• Does the plan have an annual reimbursement limit? If it does, then it won't pay for healthcare costs that exceed that limit.

If you want to use a certified nurse midwife or deliver your baby in a birth center or at home, find out what coverage your plan provides in these situations. Most plans cover a certified nurse midwife, and some will pay for delivery at certain birth centers or at home.

With the arrival of a new baby comes the arrival of medical bills from the pediatrician, the nursery, and (in some cases) the neonatal intensive care unit. In fact, a bill from the hospital may be the first piece of mail your baby receives with his or her name on it. Here are some questions to ask to ensure that you've covered your insurance bases before your baby arrives:

• What's the procedure for adding your new baby to your plan?

• Will the plan cover your newborn's nursery stay? Remember that your newborn's hospital bill will be separate from your own. Typically, a health insurance plan will provide coverage only if you enroll your child for dependent benefits within 30 days of birth.

• Will the plan cover the costs of a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) stay for your newborn?

• What are the plan's rules regarding in-network and out-of-network pediatricians? If the plan provides greater coverage for in-network pediatricians, ask for a directory of ones in your area.

• Does the plan cover well-child care, such as your baby's first set of pediatrician appointments and vaccinations?

Those are the basics thing to consider  on  choosing  pregnancy  insurance coverage.  Hope this
article will be heplfull for you.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) : Know it Better

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder that affects an estimated seven percent of all women. It is the most common hormonal disorder among women. According to experts, the actual number of women affected by PCOS may be as high as one out of ten simply because so many cases remain undiagnosed. In Indonesia, we also discovered a lot of women have this episode when they are trying to concieve. Why are so many cases of polycystic ovarian syndrome undiagnosed? Because the symptoms can vary from woman to woman it is often difficult to accurately diagnose polycystic ovarian syndrome. Its symptoms are often heartbreaking both emotionally and physically.

Most women have never even heard of PCOS, yet it causes a wide variety of symptoms that often affect female reproductive health in ways that can be truly devastating. Although PCOS often affects the reproductive system, it's important to understand that it is an endocrine system disorder.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome is often the cause significant long-term health consequences making a quick and accurate diagnosis, followed by proper treatment urgent.

PCOS is characterized by enlarged ovaries that contain numerous small and painless cysts. Symptoms of polycystic ovarian syndrome include:
  • Infertility

  • Irregular or absent periods

  • Excess hair growth on the face and/or body

  • Male-pattern hair thinning

  • Acne

  • Obesity

  • Lipid abnormalities
If you have two or more of these symptoms you should see a physician, preferrably a reproductive endocrinologist.

Is there a genetic connection in women who experience polycystic ovary syndrome? Although the susceptibility to PCOS is often inherited the exact cause is unknown. The symptoms of PCOS most often begin with the onset of menstruation, but can begin earlier with the preteen years or can develop at any time during a woman's childbearing years.

Polycystic ovary syndrome is less common among women as they get older and it's extremely uncommon in post-menopausal women. Unfortunately the consequences, such as diabetes and lipid abnormalities, of PCOS can last long after menopause.

Hormonal disorders 

Proteins or steroids secreted directly into the blood stream are called hormones. Many of your body's normal, everyday, functions are regulated by hormonal substances such as metabolism of minerals, regulation of fluids, your responses to stress, sexual function, reproduction, and pregnancy. Glands such as the pituitary, hypothalamus, thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas, adrenal cortex and medulla, and ovaries make up the endocrine system that produces hormones in women. When there are breakdowns or malfunctions in the hormonal process, your body is drastically affected.


Many physicians diagnose polycystic ovary syndrome based on the symptoms listed above; however, confirmed diagnosis requires more than simply acknowledging the presence of these symptoms. Confirmation of polycystic ovarian syndrome requires blood testing for a variety of hormones. These hormones are produced by the ovaries, as well as the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, and thyroid gland. A complete evaluation for this syndrome includes a full physical examination and laboratory testing for cholesterol, trygliceride, glucose, and insulin. Remember, a reproductive endocrinologist is the most qualified physician to accurately diagnose and treat PCOS.


Treatment of PCOS is largely dependent on the symptoms experienced by an individual woman, as well as whether fertility is an issue. For women not interested in becoming pregnant, oral contraceptives are effective for regulating menstrual cycles; reducing the level of male hormones; and minimizing the risks of uterine cancer.

Treatment options for the symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome include:
  • Losing weight if you are overweight or obese

  • Progestins (synthetic progesterones)

  • Oral contraceptives

  • Insulin-sensitizing anti-diabetes drugs

  • Anti-androgens

  • GnRH analogs

  • Fertility therapy with ovulation-inducing drugs

  • Surgical therapy
Other Health Risks

Polycystic ovarian syndrome is frequently associated with a number of serious medical conditions. These conditions include decreased sensitivity to insulin which may lead to an increased risk of adult onset diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease. But the diabetes seems the most likely happens in Indonesia.

For many women, the symptoms of PCOS cause emotional issues such as depression. The symptoms which can be most distressing include facial and body hair, infertility, and obesity. Women with polycystic ovary syndrome need emotional and social support to deal constructively with the effects that this disorder may have on their lives. 

If someone you know has been diagnosed with this hormonal disorder, be there to listen and offer support through the challenges that confront them as they strive to win the battle for a healthy, satisfying lifestyle. Research has shown that a strong network of friends and family is a tremendous asset to women with PCOS that enhances their ability to cope with the effects of the syndrome. This make family and closed friends are really important to encourage women diagnose with PCOS.

Although the cause of PCOS remains unknown and there is no exact cure, public awareness can do a great deal to help women learn to recognize the symptoms and obtain an accurate diagnosis.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Gestational Diabetes : Know It Better

Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that starts during pregnancy. If you have diabetes, your body isn't able to use the sugar (glucose) in your blood as well as it should, so the level of sugar in your blood becomes higher than normal.
Gestational diabetes affects about 4% of all pregnant women. It usually begins in the fifth or sixth month of pregnancy (between the 24th and 28th weeks). Most often, gestational diabetes goes away after the baby is born. How can we get the diabetes on our pregnancy, the cause is still unclear.

High sugar levels in your blood can be unhealthy for both you and your baby. If the diabetes isn't treated, your baby may be more likely to have problems at birth. For example, your baby may have a low blood sugar level or jaundice, or your baby may weigh much more than is normal. Gestational diabetes can also affect your health. For instance, if your baby is very large, you may have a more difficult delivery or need a cesarean section, things that you'll be glad to avoid.

You will need to follow a diet suggested by your doctor, exercise regularly and have blood tests to check your blood sugar level. You may also need to take medicine to control your blood sugar level. Don't be affraid with anti-diabetic prescriptions as it is safe for your pregnancy.

Your doctor may ask you to change some of the foods you eat. You may be asked to see a registered dietitian to help you plan your meals. You should avoid eating foods that contain a lot of simple sugar, such as cake, cookies, candy or ice cream. Instead, eat foods that contain natural sugars, like fruits.

If you get hungry between meals, eat foods that are healthy for you, such as raisins, carrot sticks, or a piece of fruit. Whole grain pasta, breads, rice and fruit are good for both you and your baby.

It's also important to eat well-balanced meals. You may need to eat less at each meal, depending on how much weight you gain during your pregnancy. Your doctor or dietitian will talk to you about this.

One thing that also important is exercises. Your doctor will suggest that you exercise regularly at a level that is safe for you and the baby. Exercise will help keep your blood sugar level normal because can make our digestive systems work well to use the glucose (sugar), and it can also make you feel better. Walking is usually the easiest type of exercise when you are pregnant, but swimming or other exercises you enjoy work just as well. Ask your doctor to recommend some activities that would be safe for you.

If you're not used to exercising, begin by exercising for 5 or 10 minutes every day. As you get stronger, you can increase your exercise time to 30 minutes or more per session.

You do need to be careful about how you exercise. Don't exercise too hard or get too hot while you are exercising. Ask your doctor what would be safe for you. Depending on your age, your pulse shouldn't go higher than 140 to 160 beats per minute during exercise. If you become dizzy, or have back pain or other pain while exercising, stop exercising immediately, and call your doctor. If you have uterine contractions (labor pains, like stomach cramps) or vaginal bleeding, or your water breaks, call your doctor right away.

You will also need to check your blood sugar level regularly, to help to maintain the diabetes as well to excercise , because if your blood sugar to high, you may stop your exercise for a while. Consult to your doctor if this thing happened.

After giving birth, you may not need to check it again, because the diabetes will last several weeks after birth. But you must remember that even if the gestational diabetes goes away after the baby's birth, it makes you have a higher risk for diabetes in your next pregnancy and later in life. That is why it is important that you continue to exercise, watch your weight and eat a healthy diet. If you do these things, you may not get diabetes when you're older.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Dealing With Baby Blues Syndrome

After having a baby, many women have mood swings. One minute they feel happy, the next minute they start to cry. They may feel a little depressed, have a hard time concentrating, lose their appetite or find that they can't sleep well even when the baby is asleep. These symptoms usually start about 3 to 4 days after delivery and may last several days.

If you're a new mother and have any of these symptoms, you have what are called the "baby blues." "The blues" are considered a normal part of early motherhood and usually go away within 10 days after delivery. However, some women have worse symptoms or symptoms last longer. This is called "postpartum depression."

The Postpartum Depression is one thing we must give more attention to, because it is an illness, so it can be treated with therapy and medications.
If you don't know what the symptoms are, you can check  these one out:
  • Loss of interest or pleasure in life
  • Loss of appetite
  • Less energy and motivation to do things
  • A hard time falling asleep or staying asleep
  • Sleeping more than usual
  • Increased crying or tearfulness
  • Feeling worthless, hopeless or overly guilty
  • Feeling restless, irritable or anxious
  • Unexplained weight loss or gain
  • Feeling like life isn't worth living
  • Having thoughts about hurting yourself
  • Worrying about hurting your baby
These symptoms will last longer than just a baby blues syndrome. Usually, it will last for almost 6 months untill 1 year.

The baby blues syndrome or even the Postpartum Depression can be minimized or even be eliminated with things you can do that other mothers with postpartum depression have found helpful:
  • Find someone to talk to--and tell that person about your feelings.
  • Get in touch with people who can help you with child care, household chores and errands. This social support network will help you find time for yourself so you can rest.
  • Find time to do something for yourself, even if it's only 15 minutes a day. Try reading, exercising (walking is good for you and easy to do), taking a bath or meditating.
  • Keep a diary. Every day, write down your emotions and feelings as a way of "letting it all out." Once you begin to feel better, you can go back and reread your diary--this will help you see how much better you are.
  • Even if you can only get one thing done in any given day, this is a step in the right direction. There may be days when you can't get anything done. Try not to get angry with yourself when this happens.
  • It's OK to feel overwhelmed. Childbirth brings many changes, and parenting is challenging. When you're not feeling like yourself, these changes can seem like too much to cope with.
  • You're not expected to be a "supermom." Be honest about how much you can do, and ask other people to help you.
  • Find a support group in your area or contact one of the organizations listed below. They can put you in touch with people near you who have experience with postpartum depression.
  • Talk with your doctor about how you feel. He or she may offer counseling and/or medicines that can help.
If you find one or more like the symptoms or any tips list above does not very helpful, you may arrange an appointment with your doctor.

Source :

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Tips to Bath Our Baby

Baby’s bath is a great and loving experience for parents and baby. But parents(usually mother) for their first baby, it always an issued to handle.
Normally we are affraid just to handle our newborn baby, so bahting our baby is just a big thing to do. We should take a very gentle and firm touch. Do not over bath the babies.

Sponge bathing

Firstly, give sponge bathe baby as they do not get so much dirty. For sponge bath, select a clean area for bathing. During the baby bath, switch off the phone because you have to attend the carefully the baby for a moment. For perfect bath, there are lots of objects to maintain such as baby shampoo, two wash cloths, cotton balls, mild soap, soft towel, diapers and neat or clean baby clothes.

Before baby bathing, remove all baby clothes and hold baby on the lap with bath kit on an adjacent table. At starting, wash baby face with lukewarm water and bath baby until baby’s skin is dirty, oily or sweaty.

Tub bathing

Baby tub bathing is easy to use and safe for babies. For tub bathing, there are lots of baby tubs in different size and shapes available in the market. Firstly, parents should make sure about Luke warm water in bath tub. Now the clean the baby’s skin that get the most sweaty, dirty or oily.

Parents can bath the baby three-four times a week in summer, but in the winter, they can bath their babies at least twice a week. Parents should use mild soap with fragrances, anti-microbials and abrasives for baby bath because babies have sensitive skin. Use soap only when the oily or sweaty skins are not easily removed with water.

Earlier, people are used perfumed talcum after every baby bath. There is no need to use oils and powders, as they may be harmful and irritating.

Important tips for baby bathing:
  • Always put the baby on a towel after bath.
  • During the bath, do not leave baby unattended.
  • Firstly, wash the baby face and then wash other parts of the body.
  • Do not left soap on the skin, it can be irritating.
  • After the bath, apply lotion recommended by the health care provider.


Saturday, December 22, 2007

Tips for Buying Health Insurance

Sometime people still confusing when come to decide what kind of health insurance they should buy, even in some country that insurance is not a must or nor incouraged, like we have in Indonesia, we still in big doubt to buy a health insurance.

Purpose of buying a health insurance may differ from person to person still the primary aim of health insurance is securing medical protection for self and family members. You can use the following tips to select a health insurance that suits you most.
  • Health insurance provides you protection for unforeseen medical expenses.
  • With the help of health insurance you can even afford to obtain costly specialized medical services.
  • You can use health insurance facility even for paying your regular medical services.
  • It provides you comparatively high quality medical services, which otherwise you would not have been able to afford, of a coordinated health plan.
  • It keeps you free from financial worries during your sickness.
  • Health insurance provides you the financial assistance during sickness, means when y ou need the money most.
  • It is more beneficial when your family is considerably larger and need medical treatment frequently.
  • Health insurance is most advisable to those who have number of dependents because you pay comparatively lesser premium which is surely worth paying when considered the expenses you would have to pay to your physician.
  • Money acquired through Health insurance is not subjected to income tax so you get the tax-free money.
  • Another benefit you get is that you acquire the treatment at comparatively lower cost as health insurance agencies pay lower prices to health providers. If you were to obtain the same treatment at your own you might have to pay more amounts to doctors.
Maybe not all of that provided by the insurance company, so you should pick and choose where is the one that most suit you and your needs. Hope you can get a better choice to buy one.

Vaksin Kombinasi Terbaru Untuk Bayi Anda

Sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan oleh University of Rochester sepertinya akan dapat membuat para ibu lega karena tidak lagi dipusingkan dengan jadwal imunisasi bayi yang cukup padat pada awal-awal usianya. Vaksinasi yang seharusnya dilakukan sendiri-sendiri, sekarang dapat diberikan secara bersama-sama untuk beberapa jenis vaksin.

Penelitian yang baru-baru ini dikeluarkan di Journal of Pediatrics menunjukkan tidak adanya perbedaan keamanan dan keefektifan saat dokter memberikan kombinasi vaksin terbaru untuk mengurangi jumlah suntikan yang harus didapatkan bayi jika harus di vaksinasi tunggal. Dengan digabungkannya beberapa jenis vaksin, keamanannya tetap terjaga.

Saat ini baru beberapa jenis imunisasi yang sudah dicoba digabungkan. "Hanya beberapa imunisasi lagi yang akan dijadwalkan akan dipelajari." kata Michael Pichichero, M.D, kepala peneliti. Lanjutnya, "Menggabungkan dua atau tiga menjadi satu suntikan sangatlah penting untuk membantu orang tua dalam mengatur rencana vaksinasi, waktu dan membuat kesalahan administrasi lebih sedikit."

Ketakutan sebelumnya saat vaksinasi gabungan dibuat untuk vaksin DPT, hepatitis B, Polio , atau vaksin gabungan untuk melawan 76 jenis Streptococcus Pneumonia , dimana diperkirakan respon imun yang menurun dan rekasi jaringan yang tidak nyaman untuk bayi seperti reaksi berat pada tempat suntikan, bisa dikatakan tidak terjadi.

Pichichero mengatakan bahwa kombinasi ini aman dan efektif sama seperti bila diberikan dalam suntikan sendiri-sendiri. Penelitian ini mengambil sampel 575 bayi berusia 2 bulan dari berbagai negara, yang dibagi menjadi beberapa kelompok untu membandingkan keefektifan vaksinasi. Hasilnya didapatkan ada beberapa keluhan kecil pada vaksinasi kombinasi, tapi demam tinggi dan reaksi tempat suntikan yang berat tidak terjadi. Hanya saja bengkak pada tempat suntikan memang akan terjadi karena jumlah yang disuntikan lebih banyak.

Penelitian ini didukung GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals yang membuat kombinasi vaksin , Pediarix yang mengandung vaksin DPT, Hepatitis B, Polio. Kapan akan ada di Indonesia dan apakah akan diterima di Indonesia masih belum diketahui, hanya saja jika memang benar, maka selain membantu ibu, juga akan mengurangi trauma anak terhadap suntikan. Dan kita masih harus menunggu lebih lanjut mengenai perkembangan penelitian ini.

Source :

Friday, December 21, 2007

Get to connect to your Unborn Baby

When you pregnant, you must be thinking, what is he/she doing inside you belly or womb ?
Sometime you must be curious to build a connection to your unborn baby, and the fact is, you can !
So, why don't you try this following step to get contact as early as possible with your unborn baby.

Your womb is already rich in sound -- the beating of your heart, the rhythmic swoosh of the placenta, even the gurgles of your stomach are music to your baby's ears.

The ear, already functional by the 16th week of pregnancy, is an incredibly sensual organ. Speaking, singing and touching your baby through the womb all provide ways to begin your relationship with your unborn child. Express your love. Your baby is listening (and learning too).

Consider these fun and easy ways to promote your bond with your unborn baby:

1. Talk to your baby. Massaging your womb gently and talking softly to your unborn child is not new. Mothers have done it throughout time. Dads, too, can get acquainted with their baby prenatally, by talking through the waters, while gently massaging your belly with cream or oils.

Many mothers report feeling silly, at first, talking out loud to their babies in the womb. But, in private, you will easily overcome your initial embarrassment. Save time to talk to your baby, in the bath, or before you go to sleep. Make it a habit once or twice during the day to say something loving out loud. And why not ask your partner for a "good night" massage and verbal expressions of love and encouragement to your little one on the inside?

2. "Touch" your baby. Push gently on your baby and you will likely get a push back! While there is no need to prod and poke, do gently touch your baby through the womb. In the last month of pregnancy, you are likely to be able to see a heel which ripples across your abdomen. A father can also push gently, to find a foot or shoulder, and the baby pushes back, automatically responding to your touch. Feeling your baby respond to your touch, while in the womb, can be very thrilling, when it occurs!

3. Play music and sing to your baby. Music is thought to be pre-linguistic and contributes to your baby's foundation for language skills. Listening to music yourself, and singing tunes you enjoy can provide healthy stimulation for your child's development.

Your baby is learning to recognize the sounds of your voice and daddy's voice in the last month of pregnancy. When born, your baby will likely turn toward the sounds of your voices over others. Yes, indeed, your baby is listening to you already.

source : ivillage total health network

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Safe Sex On Pregnancy

It is common for couples wondering whether sex is safe when they discover they are pregnant or even when they are trying to concive before the next period. Unless your health care provider advises you otherwise, sex during pregnancy is safe for both you and your baby. The baby is protected by the amniotic fluid in the womb, by your abdomen, and by the mucus plug which seals your cervix and helps guard against infections.
And if the zigot still trying to penetrate the womb, it still safe unless you have a rough sexual intercourse.

When is sex during pregnancy NOT safe?

Sex is safe during pregnancy unless your health care provider has indicated that you have a high risk pregnancy. Although there are few reasons to avoid sex during pregnancy, there are some situations when your health care provider may indicate that sex should be avoided. These situations include:

-History of premature birth or labor
-History of miscarriage
-If your water has broken
-If you experience unexplained vaginal bleeding or discharge
-If you have placenta previa, or a very low-lying placenta
-If you have an incompetent cervix or if it has dilated
-If you or your partner has a sexually transmitted disease

What changes are expected with sexual activity during pregnancy?

Sexual practices may not have to change during pregnancy. However, because of the different changes that occur in your body, you may want to make some changes to make things more comfortable.

Here is some information to consider when thinking about sex during pregnancy:

Exhaustion, hormonal fluctuations, tender breasts and self-consciousness about weight gain can bring your sex drive to a halt. Sometimes you may need rest to regain energy - give yourself a break.
The common missionary position may become uncomfortable and warrant considering other positions such as side by side or with you on top.
As your breasts increase in size, they may become more tender or sore. Encourage your partner to explore other parts of your body and to find other ways to caress you. With the changes in your breast it is best to avoid direct nipple stimulation.
There is increased blood flow to the pelvic area that can lead to engorgement of the genitals and heighten the sensation; however, for some women this can be more uncomfortable.

Unless your health care provider tells you otherwise, you and your partner should be able to enjoy sex during your pregnancy. Pay attention to your body and make adjustments so that you can enjoy the experience to the fullest.

Tips Mencegah Toksoplasma (Tips to avoid Toxoplasma)

Sampai saat ini, salah satu ketakutan terbesar ibu hamil atau yang sedang berecana untu hamil adalah infeksi toksoplama. Selain kucing, masih banyak hal yang dapat menyebabkan penyebaran infeksi toksoplasma.

Berikut ini adalah beberapa hal yang dapat kita kerjakan untuk menghindarkan infeksi toksoplasma, baik itu anda memiliki kucing atau tidak dirumah...

1. Biasakan untuk selalu memasak daging secara matang. Kalau perlu ukur temperatur daging yang anda masak (lebih dari 60 derajat Celsius). Kalau tidak anda ukur suhunya pun, usahakan agar warna daging tidak lagi berwarna pink ditengah-tengahnya. Lalu pastikan juga jangan mencoba rasa masakan anda sebelum benar-benar dagingnya matang.

2. Jangan meminum produk susu segar yang belum diolah. Hindari juga memakan telur setengah matang.

3. Bersihkan atau kupas kulit buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran sebelum dimakan.

4. Bersihkan semua wadah dan peralatan yang anda gunakan untuk mengolah daging, unggas atau produk seafood yang belum dibersihkan dengan air panas dan sabun.

5. Jangan menyentuh mulut, hidung atau mata anda selagi menyiapkan masakan, dan selalu mencuci tangan anda sebelum makan. Begitu juga bila anda memiliki luka terbuka pada tangan anda, usahakan gunakan sarung tangan pada saat sedang menyiapkan masakan.

6. Pastikan lalat dan kecoa atau serangga lainnya jauh dari makanan anda.

7. Hindari air minum yang terkontaminasi. Gunakan air yang dikemas pada saat anda sedang dalam perjalanan jauh.

8. Gunakan sarung tangan pada saat berkebun, dan jangan gunakan tangan anda sebelum anda mencucinya setelah selesai berkebun.

9. Jangan memelihara anak kucing atau kucing yang baru saat anda sedang hamil, dan jangan bermain dengan kucing yang tidak anda kenal.

10. Jika anda memiliki kucing atau hewan peliharaan lainnya, suruhlah orang lain untuk membersihkan kotorannya setiap hari. Bila harus anda, gunakan sarung tangan dan masker mulut. Siram tempat kotoran tersebut dengan air yang hampir mendidih sebelum anda melakukannya.

11. Untuk mencegah kucing anda terinfeksi saat anda sedang hamil, berikan makanan yang matang atau dari makanan kemasan yang dijual di supermarket. Jangan pernah memberikan makanan mentah. Kalau bisa tetap jaga berada dalam rumah.

12. Jauhkan kucing anda dari dapur atau meja makan. Selalu cuci tangan anda setelah bermain / menyentuh bulu kucing atau hewan peliharaan anda.

Sekian beberapa hal yang dapat anda lakukan untuk mencegah tertular infeksi toksoplasma. Toksoplasma bukan hanya dapat ditularkan kucing saja, tapi dari berbagai binatang lainnya.

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Miss Your Period ? Have Your Pregnancy Test to Make Sure

When you are expecting to be pregnant, if you miss your period, then it would be an anxious moment for you, whether you're pregnant or just a late pariod...
so, you don't have to wait any longer after 7 days miss your period, directly go to the drugs store to get your pregnancy test kit. This is what you should know a little about pregnancy testing.

Pregnancy Testing

Pregnancy tests measure a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). The placenta produces this hormone during pregnancy. The embryo begins to produce this hormone as soon as it attaches to the wall of the uterus -- often as soon as eight to ten days after conception. How soon a pregnancy can be detected depends on:
  • How much HCG is being produced
  • The type of pregnancy test used (blood or urine)
  • The amount of HCG the test measures
Home test kits can be used to test your urine, if you think you are pregnant.

Home Pregnancy Tests

Home pregnancy tests are used to test your urine. The home kits generally react to a specific amount of HCG in your urine and turn colour if that concentration is present. The smaller the amount of HCG the test measures, the earlier it will detect your pregnancy. Generally one of these kits can detect a pregnancy ten days to two weeks after ovulation, around the time of your first missed period. A positive test with a home testing kit is usually correct, however a negative test does not necessarily prove you aren't pregnant. A repeat test a week later might be positive. If you find it positive, so you may start planning to see your doctor

Pregnancy Testing at Your Doctor's Office

It is wise, to confirm a home test result with a test at your doctor's office. This is also a good time for you and your doctor to start talking about prenatal care. The test typically done in the doctor's office is a blood test that measures levels of beta human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). These tests can tell your doctor the exact amount of pregnancy hormone in your blood. Abnormal levels of beta-HCG are an early warning sign of problems.